Birthday reflections
Today is my birthday! Every year around my birthday, I spend time reflecting on the last 12 months: memories, challenges, lessons learned, breakthroughs and beautiful ways the Lord met me. So per tradition, here are my annual 12 reflections (plus a bonus one).
Intimacy with God
It isn’t religion, but how easy it is to fall into the rules, tasks and expectations of religion. Yet God is always working to bring us closer, past the veil, beyond our earthly goals and into something deeper, something eternal, something much more satisfying than checking a box or a pat on the back. He is the reward, and He fulfills every need and desire. But you must come close. Draw near to the throne of God, He is waiting to come near to you. Make Him first, learn about Him in His Word, love what He loves, hate what He hates, ask Him for His drawing, for a hunger for the things of heaven.
Choosing joy in suffering
Losing my darling grandmother (last remaining grandparent), and then my precious 16 year old kitty was extraordinarily hard, and yet, I am immensely grateful to have loved and been loved, to have sweet and beautiful memories, photos and videos of my time with them, and thankful beyond measure to lean on the Father in the midst of heartache
Care for your temple
I have learned a lot about my body and how it functions. We need to start asking our doctor questions, and don’t settle for a miracle pill when there’s something deeper going on. I appreciate doctors and their place in our lives, but don’t settle for the worst case scenario, don’t blindly accept medications or procedures without asking questions.
Believe that Jesus offers healing, walk in faith, take care of your temple, learn about your bones, organs and how hormones affect your health.
Go to the beach
Take a day trip, a weekend, whatever and go soak up some vitamin D. Seriously, we’re all low in it.
Stand in front of the ocean and consider your smallness. Consider the grandeur of Almighty God and that though we are like the grains of sand, you are so tenderly loved and intimately known by the same God who created the seas.
Do something new
This past year I created some of the most significant pieces of art I’ve ever painted. Even through self doubt, apprehension due to a lack of skill and experience, pushing through to the end of that series has grown me as a creative in unexpected and marvelous ways.
Give what you have been given
To follow my previous point, whatever your gift is, USE IT! Don’t sit on your talents or gifts, even if your gift is seeing the beauty and gifts in others and encouraging them! I have an AWESOME group of super encouraging friends in my life, and I might not create as much art were it not for their support, and sometimes badgering…you know who you are.
Sunrises & sunsets
Get up early and watch the sunrise, linger a little longer and watch the sunset beyond the horizon. Pause and consider all of the colors painted across the sky, the shape and textures of clouds. Admire the artistry over your head everyday.
Set some boundaries
With people.
With work.
With your eating habits.
Just set em.
Build a table
I mean, build a nice big one. Literally if you can, we finally built the table of our dreams last year.
But figuratively. Build a table and invite people to it, learn about them, invite those who aren’t invited to many or any tables, not to stoke false humility, but to regard others as better than yourself.
Go get a facial
And a massage.
And a pedicure.
I don’t care if you’re a dude, give your money to people with a gift and let them pamper you. If you need recommendations, I got you.
Embrace a lifestyle of repentance
Every year, the Lord quickens my heart and draws me to repentance. I have been crushed under the weight of sin, and tasted the freedom that comes after repentance. Thank God we have a Savior who is patient and merciful!
Cherish community
I don’t belong anywhere like I belong to the body of Christ, and the community I’ve been woven into has impacted every area of my life. The friendships, and sisterhoods that have been birthed in this season have absolutely blessed me beyond imagination. To be loved and cherished, prayed for and over, is more precious than riches or acceptance anywhere else.
BONUS: Live in thankfulness
My heart has been deeply baptized with thankfulness for what God saved me and my husband from, I just cannot express it with enough words. God has owed me nothing, and yet saved me from a life of destruction, He’s restored what was once lost, made new the things that were once dead. And He’s not finished yet! Having a continuously thankful heart combats bitterness, confronts unforgiveness, appreciates the people around us, and keeps us humble.