I went to a chiropractor recently and after some x-rays, we discovered that the bone at the very top of my spine is misaligned by a couple of degrees. As alarming as it might sound, it really only equates to a couple of millimeters, but that small shift can throw the rest of our body out of alignment as well, all the way down to your feet! There’s nothing to fear, as I’m learning about the human body, and how each system is connected to each other, a perfect machine, intricately designed. And above all, the Lord God is my Healer!
After my first adjustment, the chiropractor offered for me to recline in a chair in what she called the “quiet room” to make sure I felt alright. While in a comfortable chair in a dimly-lit room, I prayed and contemplated God’s design of the human skeleton. How He intricately designed every single bone, their shape and their function. I tried to imagine His hands reaching into the dirt to form Adam’s body, His fingers shaping each piece like an artist manipulates clay in their hands into a form. I wondered what His thoughts might’ve been as He arranged each piece, knowing how blood vessels and nerves would flow in between vertebrae and joints, the precise points that ligaments and tendons would attach to bones and muscle. Did He sing or hum as He worked? Did He smile or chuckle during His work, like I sometimes do when I’m working on a piece? Did He speak promises and commands over each piece? Was He filled with excitement and anticipation for Adam’s body to animate? Or did He enjoy the labor and take His time?
What about when He formed my body? Indeed He created our bodies with everything necessary to recreate and multiply, but His eyes undoubtedly looked over every piece of me, every bone as it grew, the nerves as they grew like roots throughout my frame, the blood vessels as they spread into every ligament, every finger and toe. Did He whisper promises over me? Did He place songs within that little heart for me to discover years later? While my parents contemplated who I might turn out to be and couldn’t wait to meet me, my Heavenly Father already knew me in the womb.
Now that I’ve lived a few decades, I’m walking in promises that He spoke over me when I was still in darkness in the womb. Now I am singing promises back to Him, now I lift these created hands to create, to praise and to love Him.
While sitting in that chair in the chiropractor’s office, the song Great Are You Lord came to my mind:
All the earth will shout Your praise,
Our hearts will cry,
These bones will sing,
Great are You, Lord!
What a prophetic word!
If rocks can cry out, wouldn’t my very bones cry out, even from the grave? So even if the Lord tarries, and my body runs its course, and my bones are laid to rest in the ground, even then, my bones will sing.
Perfectly aligned or otherwise.